Dental Implants

Restoring Teeth With Dental Implants

At Kenner Dental Group, we believe that everyone deserves the beautiful, radiant, smile they desire. Dr. Kenner V and his dedicated Team are committed to providing dental implant treatment utilizing current techniques to ensure the results you’ve always wanted. Dental implants have truly been revolutionary as a way for patients to re-gain teeth they’ve been missing for decades, replace teeth damaged with acute trauma, or manage congenital variances such as retained primary teeth or missing adult teeth.

An implant consists of two major parts: The first part is the titanium portion that replaces the root of a natural tooth. This is surgically placed directly into the bone. The second part is the crown. This attaches onto the implant and looks just like your natural tooth. You can smile confidently knowing no one will suspect you have a replacement tooth with dental implants.

Whether you’re missing a single tooth, or several, chewing and eating can be affected and cause you significant discomfort. Functionally, your chewing can shift subconsciously to compensate for the lack of teeth and lead to muscle pain and TMJ changes. Bone loss that occurs when teeth are missing can cause your face to look older. Fortunately, implants are a great way to manage these issues, and if properly maintained, they can last a lifetime!

Single Tooth Replacement

If you have a single missing tooth or several missing teeth, chewing and eating can be affected and cause you discomfort. When teeth are missing, your mouth can shift and even cause your face to look older. Implants are a great way to replace your missing teeth, and if properly maintained, they can last a lifetime!

Replacing Multiple Teeth

Missing several teeth or even a single tooth affect chewing and eating. When teeth are missing, your mouth shifts and causes your face to look older. Dental implants are a great way to replace your missing teeth, and if properly maintained, they can last a lifetime!

Considerations for Dental Implants

Healing – There is typically a healing time of several months between when the implant is placed in the bone and when the abutment/crown is placed. However, there are instances where implants can be placed immediately when a tooth is removed. And under the right conditions, a temporary crown can be placed as well. For more info see Teeth in a Day.

Health Considerations – Several variables can affect implant placement including the amount of bone loss, periodontal disease, position of neighboring teeth, and systemic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and smoking. A full exam and consultation are needed to determine the best approach for your treatment.

Dental Implants

Video Transcript

Dental implants are titanium roots, that are replaced with in the jawbone to resemble a tooth or group of teeth. A screw is inserted through the gums and into the jawbone. A porcelain crown is then attached to the screw to become the new tooth or teeth. They can be used to support dental prosthesis including crowns, dentures, and bridges. Today’s treatments are so natural looking, no one will know you had surgery. There’s approximately a 95% success rate for all implants. With modern advances in dentistry, some implants can be restored immediately with life like all porcelain crowns. For more details ask your dentist.
